The Spirits of Brady Hall Page 11
“For real. Let’s get out of here. I’ve got to buy some tanning oil. I need nothing but sun for the next week. After I take care of a few things at the office.”
“Let’s go, Little Sister.”
We left Brady Hall and stepped out into the sunshine. I was happy to be in the land of the living. Out of the corner of my eye, I caught a glimpse of a sad little girl. She’d stay with me if I let her, but I shook my head.
I can’t be your Mommy. I have to raise my daughter. Go, Rebecca. Love waits for you. It’s calling you right now. Listen to it and follow.
And then she was gone.
I closed my eyes and let the sun warm my skin.
Yep. I liked being in the land of the living.
I think I’ll stay here for a while.
"You want me to believe this garbage? How stupid do you think I am, Pete? After all this time you want to come in here and tell me you are gay. Like that’s an excuse for being such a lousy friend? You cheated on Jocelyn more times than I can count and you left with Sara for Hollywood. Do you think I’m that stupid? You come out to me and that’s supposed to make it all better? That’s crap, Peter Broadus. In fact, that’s a new low, even for you.”
"Being gay is crap?" Pete said in a serious tone.
“No. You’re crap. That’s what I mean. Now there you go. That's the Pete I know. Twist the words I say to make sure you look good in any situation.” I was quickly losing my cool with my ex-friend. “I was wondering how long it would take before you became the victim. You're so good at that. You should really do a show about that.” Yeah, I was pretty damn furious at this point. I slung a folder to the side and leaned on the desk, my hands clenched in tight fists. “Why don't you pitch that idea to your Hollywood guys? A hundred ways an-ex friend and paranormal investigator can be the victim--brought to you by the poster child for wannabe victims everywhere.”
Peter’s face paled at my sarcasm. "Do you hate me this much? You hate me so much that you can't listen to me when I'm telling you something that's very personal? I'm telling you I'm gay. It’s not a trick and it’s not a ploy.”
“And it’s not an excuse for being a bad friend.”
To that, he had no response at all, but I didn’t feel bad for the guy. Not one little bit. I peered at him from across the desk and finally said, “Pete you have shortcomings, but I never said being gay was among them. How could I? I never knew you were gay until now. Your sexuality is your own business but it has nothing to do with you leaving us in the woods. That has nothing to do with you not showing up for Jocelyn's funeral. Being gay has nothing to do with all the lousy crap that you've done to us. And here's a question for you, Pete. If you're so gay why did you fool around with Sierra? You took advantage of her. You knew that Joshua and Sierra were having problems, but you got all up in the middle of it. You could have broken them up for good. And for what? That’s a sucky thing to do.”
“I didn’t force her to do it. She wanted to. I’m sure it was because she wanted to get back at Joshua, but I needed her too. It happened and I can’t take it back. We fooled around, but it was just the once. I guess more accurately that makes me bisexual, but does that matter?”
I was more than done with this guy. He had no remorse for any of his actions.
“You have been a lousy investigator and an even worse friend. Even if I believe you, it doesn't excuse anything you've done. What can you say to me that will excuse all of that?”
“Nothing. But I'm going to do something that I hope you approve of.”
“Doubtful.” I leaned back in the chair with my hands behind my head. My arms were sore from this morning’s work out. “Leave the country? Move to another planet? The list is short of things I’d approve of, Pete, and you're wasting my time.”
"You're such a smart ass when you're mad. But I know you have every right to be mad," he sighed as he rubbed his eyes with his fingers. At least he was sober and I didn’t see any needle marks on his knuckles. "Look, I put myself in the worst situations ever. By being a drunk and by being an addict, I lowered my own tolerance for doing stupid things. I did take advantage of Sierra and I encouraged your ex-girlfriend to make that move. I did all of those things. I did them all, but you have to know the truth about something. Sara and I never really you know… did the thing. She just wanted you to think so because she said that would be the only way she could get rid of you.”
I think my jaw hit the floor. Pete took a deep breath and kept going, “I don't know how else to say that but if I'm coming clean I might as well come clean about everything. Sara had been unhappy for a long time and she knew about me, Midas. I thought she would out me before I was ready. I wasn’t ready. Not at all. Sara didn't have the courage to tell you that she wanted to leave and I was foolish enough to believe she would leave without wrecking everything. I was a fool, Midas. My friendship with you means more to me than I could ever have expected or predicted. I ask you to forgive me. I ask you to give me another chance. Please?"
Well, this was a first. Pete never said please about anything. Was any of this true? Any of it at all? What was I going to do? Let him back in my life? No. That was not going to happen but as he was taking steps towards making his life better I wanted to encourage him. Strangely enough, I could imagine Sara’s mocking voice in my ear.
Always a sucker for a sob story, Midas Demopolis.
"Peter, for whatever reason, I want you to be okay. I don't know why because I don't know which version of you is sitting in front of me. I don't know which version of the truth you're telling me, but I can honestly say that I'm never going to let you back on this team. Never. I can cheer you on from afar but I’m not letting you back into Gulf Coast Paranormal. I wish you nothing but the best but I think we’re done here."
"I respect that, Midas. I figured as much but I want you to know that I'm getting back into paranormal investigating. I'm starting my own group. I'd rather be with you guys but since I’ve screwed that up. Since I can't be, I want to at least be back in the field. Ghost work keeps me sane and I was never happier than when I was working with Gulf Coast Paranormal. That's why I am starting my own group, not as competition, but to help this area. The more the merrier, right? It’s called Delta Hex Paranormal. We're going to be doing some investigations in Bayou La Batre, to begin with. I would love to collaborate with you on some projects and share data whenever the opportunity arises. I’m back in it, Midas. I’m back to do what I love best."
"Don’t get anyone killed, Pete. I wish you the best with your Delta Hex group. I have always wished you nothing but the best.”
He appeared to breathe a sigh of relief. "I like the name. I’m working with Matt Hex. I decided not to put my name on the group though. Delta was my idea. I feel like anything that had my Broadus name on it would certainly be doomed to fail but thanks for listening to me. And thanks for understanding.” Pete rose from his chair awkwardly and stretched his hand out to me. “I’d like to part ways as friends this time,” he said hopefully. “I’ll try to stay out of your way, Midas.”
I didn't agree with that and I didn't call him a friend but I extended my hand as well. Papa Angelos always taught me that you shake a hand when it's presented to you. “I wish you the best, Pete. Thanks for stopping by."
With that I watched my ex-best friend walk out of my office and I followed him to the front to make sure he didn't bother Sierra on his way out. He wisely didn't speak a word to her but left quickly. That's when I noticed there was another guy in his vehicle. That must be that Hex character. What a strange last name. I silently prayed Peter knew what he was doing. And so did this Matt Hex.
Sierra asks, “Is he back?”
“No. He’s never coming back.”
She eyed me carefully. “No Helen, no Bruce. No Pete. Just the four of us, I guess we can handle it. Cassidy isn’t quitting too, is she?”
I smiled at her. “Not at a chance, as she’s let me know in no uncertain terms. It’s t
he four of us for now, but it’s time.” I said as I watched Pete and Matt Hex drive away.
“Time for what?” Sierra asked as she poked the pacifier in the baby’s mouth. It was kind of nice having a baby in the office today.
“Time to bring in some new blood. Start sifting through the applications when you can, Sierra. No public posts though, we don’t want a bunch of rookies applying. Only professionals. I think it’s time to kick up our game.”
“Got it, Midas. In fact, there’s a guy who’s dying to meet you. His name is Ethan Wolfgang. He’s been in New England, working mostly in Boston. He’s a transplant and he’s tremendously experienced. Should I set that up for today?”
“Wolfgang, huh? Well, with a name like that, he has to be interesting.” I grinned at her and said, “There’s no time like the present. Don’t stop there though. Ideally, I’d like to add four. “
“Four? Really?”
“Yeah, really. And I want Joshua here full time. If he’s comfortable with that.”
Sierra was on her feet with tears in her eyes. “Really, Midas? Are you sure? You’re not just screwing with me?”
“Nope. It’s time to put my money where my mouth is and that means taking care of the people who I love. And trust. That’s you and Joshua.”
She hugged my neck and cried. “You don’t know what this means to me.”
“Yes, I do. But you’re still taking that vacation. Make those appointments. I’ll interview them all this week. And get Joshua in here to talk with me when gets off work.”
“Okay,” she smiled as she stepped back behind her desk and picked up the phone. With her bare foot, she tilted the baby carrier to rock Emily.
Yeah, this was the right thing to do. I needed to put the past behind me. That included Jocelyn and Pete and Sara. Gulf Coast Paranormal was my future; the only thing that mattered was helping people. Cassidy and I agreed on that.
This was my life and I loved it.
And here’s the next Gulf Coast Paranormal investigation:
Author’s Note
Thank you so much for reading The Spirits of Brady Hall. I love lingering in the shadows of the spooky Gulf Coast! As some of you may know, this story first started on a lark because I was missing Ghost Hunters but now, I can’t imagine life without Midas, Sierra, Cassidy, and Joshua. Every investigation I learn something new about the field and my own local history. There’s nothing like exploring haunted locations and calling it “work.” I really, really love my job.
Brady Hall is a fictional name for an actual theater located in downtown Mobile. If you live here, it is the theater once used by Alabama Power for their downtown offices. It is reportedly haunted and there was a murder there sometime in the early twentieth century. Apparently, it all happened right on stage, in front of the entire audience. Shocking, right? As always, I believe the ghost did it.
I enjoyed telling this story and although it was difficult to uncover the actual details involving this love triangle, I tried to give all the players a voice.
If this is the first book of mine that you’ve read, please consider moving on to another one of my books. Seven Sisters is a spooky journey down memory lane. If you prefer a book featuring larger casts and paranormal investigation, check out the Gulf Coast Paranormal Series.
Want to be notified when my next book releases? Click here.
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M.L. Bullock